Well, ah know y’all want to take a break frum all this politicizin an stuff, but them Republicans ain’t restin an ah thunk it be time to expose sum of the “time bombs” they dun left for President #46, Joe Biden!
Cuz they dun be so many thangs to discuss this one is gonna be a longun. Cuz of that, ah’m gonna break it up into two parts.
Whut are Them “Time Bombs”?
Furst, let’s start off wit the obvious. If’n the Republicans retain control of the Senate an Mitch McConnell dun keep bein the Senate Majority Leader, ol Mitch dun said he gonna block Biden’s court picks… all of em! An then he dun said he’s gonna shoot down all the Biden Administration Cabinet nominations (like Secretary of Defense, Treasury Secretary, etc.).
Basically he dun thunk he can stop the Biden administration frum operatin, much less git anythin dun! The really sad thang is, he probly dun be right!
Ah’m not gonna git into whether or not any one person in Congress shud have that much power (the power to shut down the guvmint), but that jus ain’t right!
Secund, do y’all remember way back in 2017 when Pres Trump dun signed that ~$2 Trillion “Tax Bill” that gave bout 80+% to them rich folk in the top 1% an corporations? Well, if’n y’all remember, Democrats, Librals, an Prugressives dun warned that while the tax breaks were permanent for corporations an the top 1% (them rich folk), they’d expire in 10 years fur the rest of us.
Well, guess whut? It dun be wurse than that! Y’see in that thar tax bill played a sneaky trick on “We, the People”.
On the one hand, it dun increased the “Standard Deduction” while takin away a lot of tax deductions that regular folk had used in the past. Cuz of that, fur a lot of regular folk, they’s taxes actually went up!
On the other hand, even this tiny tax cuts we regular folk dun got were set to “roll back” bout ever two years. So by 2027, we dun be paying MORE than before AN the corporations git to keep they’s tax cuts!
“The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent.” — https://bit.ly/36k3JAu
Thurd, cuz of how badly Pres Trump an the Republicans handled this COVID-19 pandemic, the economy dun shrunk up to bout 30% durin the peak of the shutdown (comparin to the same period the previous year). Just as a comparison, durin the peak of the “Great Recession of 2007-2009”, the economy only shrunk bout 4.3%. — https://bit.ly/3kbYKXu
— https://bit.ly/3eFNKAK (Pay attention to them charts above, they end sumwhar tween 2016 and 2018, so they don’t dun show the last two years.)
Now notice ah ain’t discussin the “stock market” like Pres Trump does, cuz the “stock market” an the “economy” are two completely separate, but loosely connected thangs!
Anyhoo, the economy has bounced back quite a bit. Not cuz of sumthin Pres Trump did, but cuz there weren’t nothin in the economy that caused the decrease. In other wurds, it weren’t economistic-like stuff that caused the problem. It were COVID-19!
Of course, they’re gonna be problems that come frum a dip in the economy that big! To make matters wurse, Pres Trump an the Senate Republicans (specially Mitch McConnell) didn’t do much to help the Merican people who’re sufferin the pain frum the shutdown… unlike whut other major economic countries dun fur they’s folk!
Fourth, now that don’t mean there ain’t bin any problems wit the economy befur COVID-19. Cuz they was a lot of warnin signs over the last couple years. Economic growth dun bin slowin down befur COVID-19.
So, combinin the COVID-19 shut down, an add in beforehand economical slowin down, an y’all can probly see that there’re gonna be problems we ain’t even seen yet.
Fifth an finally, you can count on the fact that them Republicans’re gonna suddenly remember “how important it is to be responsible wit the country’s money” now that there be a Democratic administration in the White House. They’s gonna be yellin an screamin an cryin bout how important it is to balance the budget an control the deficit an how the national debt dun be gittin too high… an that it jus dun be too expensive to help out regular folk. While the country dun be in financial trouble cuz whut they dun did!
Y’see durin Pres Trump’s term, the deficit has dun gone frum bout $585 billion in Pres Obama’s last year to jus under $1 TRILLION in 2019, under Pres Trump’s watch. Even more scary, is that the deficit this year, due to the bungling of the COVID-19 pandemic’ll be over $3.7 TRILLION!!! An next year (2021), the guvmint dun expect the deficit to be bout $2.1 Trillion dollars. All cuz Pres Trump an them Republican Congresscritters dun bungled the COVID-19 response so badly! — https://bit.ly/3p8e4Z2
So in jus bout 4 years, Pres Trump an the Republicans have dun increased the National Debt by $6.1 TRILLION (that’s bout 25%!). An you can bet, just sure as the sun dun rise they ain’t gonna take responsibility fur the problem, but are gonna blame the Democrats when the manure hits the fan!
Well, that dun be the size of the problem Pres Biden’s gonna be facin. In Part 2, ah’m gonna discuss whut it dun mean an if’n Pres Biden can avoid the wurst of it.
Ranty McRantyson signin off til Part 2…
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