Happy Turkey Day (aka Thanksgiving har in the US)!

Hi Ranty Nation!  Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Well, if’n it ain’t one of mah favorite eatin days of the year!  Ah dun luv me sum turkey an mashed potatoes an gravy an stuffin an corn on the cob an all them other fixins fur Thanksgivin!  Mmm-hmm!  Nummy!

Now this har 2020 Thanksgivin wudn’t be complete if’n it weren’t fur that turkey, Pres Trump, bein on his way outta office.  It’ll be nice fur the crazy to go away an fur our country to git a chance to relax a bit an fur thangs to git back to normal.

To commemorate this, ah doctored up this har image so as to celebrate Pres Trump on this way outta office.  Enjoy!

Y’all eat a lot an git stoopid turkey sleepy.  An fur those of y’all who’re not able to enjoy this har holiday cuz of COVID-19 (whether cuz y’all’re doin yur responsible social distancin OR cuz y’all jus can’t afford it), y’all have my most sincere prayers that thangs’ll git better fur y’all soon!

Ah’ll talk at y’all soon!

Ranty McRantyson

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