Why It Dun be Ridiculous That “They” Say We Can’t Afford Payments to “We, the People”!

Hi Ranty Nation!  Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Well, ah told ya at the end of the COVID-19 series ah was gonna git back to doin sum rantin agin… an har ah am ready an rarin to go!

This har rant’s gonna be bout how STOOPID it is fur them Republican Congresscritters to say “it ain’t right to add more to the national debt an mortgage our kids futures” when the money is goin to “We, the People”, but they’s jus fine givin all the money they can shovel to they’s donors, themselfs, and large corporations in tax breaks!

What a load of horse manure!  They’s dun sound like a manure salesman wit a mouth fulla samples!  Har’s an example of one of them Congresscritters sayin jus that!

The US “Can’t Afford” to Give Money to “We, the People”!

Well, ah’m gonna tell y’all why his argument is a buncha BS an why givin “We, the People” money is the ONLY right way fur them Congresscritters to be doin deficit spendin!  So let’s take a quick-like look at whut they’s sayin.

Like they’s always do, them Republican’s now be sayin “Oh, Lordy, look at that, spendin money on regular folk’s gonna increase the national debt an that is jus ain’t responsible”.  Heck, when’s a politician “responsible” anyhoo?

The problem wit this is that this same feller an his like dun be willin to pass tax cuts that mostly go to HIMSELF an his donors an large corporations.  The 2017 tax cut bill gave 83% of the tax cuts to the wealthy an corporations.  The other 17% was supposed to be spread among over 150 MILLION households.  Thunk bout that fur a minute.  83% to the top 1% an corporations (say bout 4 million rich folks an corporations), an even then, the richer they dun be, the more money they dun save!

The cost of that tax cut was said to be bout $2 TRILLION over 10 years.  Let’s do sum mathimacation:

Fur the rich an corporations:

$2,000,000,000,000 (yeah, 12 zeros!) * .83 = ~$1.66 TRILLION!
$1,660,000,000,000 ÷ 2 = $880,000,000,000 (figurin bout half went to the very rich)
$880,000,000,000 ÷ 4,000,000 = ~$220,000 average savins fur the rich an big corporations each over 10 years!

An keep in mind the vast majority of them corporations that dun got the rest of the tax breaks (frum 35% max down to 21% max) didn’t need them tax breaks to survive.  An them corporations spent mosta that money on stock buybacks (whar they’s use the money to buyback the stocks to make the price go up, mostly benefit they’s executives an other employees who dun got stock an stock options to make thems richer).

Fur “We, the People”:

$2,000,000,000,000 * .17 = $340 BILLION!
$340,000,000,000 ÷ 150,000,000 = ~$2,266 average savins each over 10 years!

That dun only be $226.60 per year fur regular folk (under $20/mo) but $220,000 per year fur the rich an corporations!  Whut’s really sad is that if’n y’all’re on the bottom of the ladder, say the bottom 20-40%, then y’all might not be gittin more’n a dollar or two per month, if’n ANY!  An if’n y’all’re running a small business, then y’all might be payin MORE!

This is cuz most small businesses dun pay they’s taxes on their 1040 or as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), whut dun be taxed at individual folk tax rates (max of 35%), not as “Subchapter C” corporations that’re maxed at 21%.  Since “sole proprietorships”, “Sub-chapter S corporations”, an most LLCs are more limited as to whut they can deduct than befur, they’s might find they’s “cut” in taxes don’t make up fur how much less they can deduct frum they’s “income”.  — America Swallowing the Trump Tax Bill

Where was they’s “fiscal responsibility” when they passed that tax cut whut dun raised deficit spendin by bout $200 billion a year an addin even more to the National Debt?!?

Basically, whut “We, the People” gotta remember is that the 83% that is benefitin the rich an corporations an not us, is basically all directly addin to the National Debt!  An even if’n this weren’t goin to the national debt, that’d mean they’d get the big breaks an we’all’ll git to pay more taxes as a percentage than befur!  This dun be purty important as y’all’ll see below.

The National Debt

Now they’s a whole bunch of stuff them economist folk’ll tell y’all bout whut dun be gud an bad bout the “National Debt” an ah’m not gonna git into that complication stuff har.  Ah’m jus gonna follow mah daddy’s old sayin, “Keep It Simple, Son” (KISS).

Basically, the “National Debt” is the total of all the “deficit spendin” (when the guvmint dun spend more’n they’s git in taxes in a year) the US federal guvmint dun did since our country bin born.  — National Debt Info and Chart Over Time

Them Republican’s dun consider themselfs to be “the party of ‘fiscal responsibility'”.  Funny thang is that over the last 40 or so years, they dun increased the National Debt when they had a Republican President in office more’n when they was a Democratic President.  Now, if’n whut the Republicans’re sayin is true, then that jus don’t make no sense!

Another thang that y’all’ll hear them Republicans say is that the National Debt is “owed by all Mericans!”  Funny thang is that they only seem to say that either when a Democrat President is bout to git into office or is in office.  When theys got a Republican in office, y’all don’t hear a peep bout the National Debt.  — National Debt % of GDP by President Over Last 40 Years

Interestin how “fiscal responsibility” is only fur Democrats an not Republicans, ain’t it?

Usin “OUR” National Debt To Help Profitable (Big) Corporations an the Rich

When we’all talk bout the “rich” an “big corporations”, we’re basically talkin bout two sides of the same coin.  The reason why ah say that’s cuz the rich dun both (mostly) wurk at (the top of) an/or own most of them corporations.  If’n y’all’re thunkin that them corporations act like robbers, well, take a long look at who dun be runnin them (the rich) cuz they’s the ones givin the marchin orders to everone in the corporation.

It’s bad nuff that most of them rich folk an the big corporations don’t treat “We, the People” all that well, but then them Congresscritters go an give them HUGE bailouts as part of a “stimulus bill” an give “We, the People” barely nuff to git by fur 2-4 weeks an then tell us that dun be gud nuff fur EIGHT MONTHS!  Yep, that’s right, that’s less than $200 per month y’all sposed to be livin off of, while they dun be livin off >$400 PER DAY!

Jus to be clear, ah want y’all to understand this.  After we add in the direct payments, “enhanced unemployment”, small business Paycheck Protection Program (forgivable)/Main Street Loan Program (not-forgivable) of the $2.2 TRILLION “CARES Act”, only a bit less than half went to bout 165 million regular folk an theys kids, the rest went to the ~4,000,000 “rich folk” an large corporations.

“We’all owe” the National Debt

To make matters wurse, befur COVID-19 hit, the US guvmint was already projected to run $1.5 trillion deficit in spendin, whut adds to the National Debt.  So that $160 BILLION, per year, that was given to the rich an big corporations was jus addin to whut “we owe”.  They gits it an we’all owes it!

They dun give the rich an big corporations bout as much as they dun give 165,000,000 regular folk (rich an big corporations=$160 Billion/year, 165,000,000 regular folk=$290 billion, one time only).  Now that jus ain’t right!  Specially when “We, the People” are expected to OWN that National Debt!

An that don’t even begin to touch the “forgivable loan” money them big corporations dun scammed fur themselfs by usin “small” subsidiary companies (companies owned by other companies) to git the loans, then usin it fur whutever they’all wanted.  That alone probably doubles the amount of money they got.

Ah’ll say it agin, they git the money an “We, the People” git the debt!

It Dun Be the Economy, Stupid!

The fact is that people buying thangs is whut drives the economy, not the stock market.  Though to hear the rich, the rich’s bought an paid fur politicians, an big corporations tell it, the stock market both drives, an is a reflection of, the economy.

Given that “We, the People” are the economy, then all the money given out shud go straight to us an we’all’ll spend it an drive the economy.  The reason why the economy took such a hit earlier this year was cuz “We, the People” didn’t have no money to spend.  Companies git paid when regular folk spend they’s money!  So, the best way fur to “stimulate” the economy is to git money in the hands of the people an let them spend it, keepin businesses goin!

In a nuther post ah’m gonna rant a bit bout why them Congresscritters (and most other politicians) don’t listen much to “We, the People”.  But that’s fur nuther day!

The Bottom Line

We’all shud be askin the politicians who wurk fur us (we hire them (vote) an pay they’s salaries), “Why it is NOT OK to bail out ‘We, the People’ by adding to the National Debt that ‘ALL Americans’ will owe?  Basically, we are borrowing money to bail ourselves out!  It’s OUR MONEY!  Our debt = our money!

So, next time y’all hear a politician sayin that “we can’t give regular folk money cuz it mortgages our children’s future”, y’all’ll know they’s jus sayin that they’all don’t want to give it to y’all, but are tryin to figure out how to either git it to they’s donors or git sum fur themselfs!

Ranty McRantyson signin off!

PS.  Jus watch the video at the beginnin of this har talk an y’all’ll see one of them tryin to steal frum y’all whut’s yurs!

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