It’s the 4th of January an the election drama is the “gift” that keeps on givin. Pres Trump dun tried over 50 lawsuits to overturn the Presidential Election an the only two they “won” were “procedural”, meanin thems lawsuits didn’t amount to much more’n how close they’all cud git to the folk doin the countin. While in public Pres Trump’s lawyers were claimin “election fraud”, in court they’s sayin they definitely weren’t claimin election fraud, but “procedural issues”. Ah have to wonder why they’all didn’t claim fraud when they’s legal consequences fur lyin in court? Hmm, quite a puzzle… if’n y’all believe in magic.
Anyhoo, now that even the SCOTUS dun said they’s full of it, they’s performin election “kabuki theater” in Congress to git they election overthrown, but only in four states. Ah guess they’all figured that the “lyin votin machines”, mastermind Democratic party cheats, an all weren’t doin that in the states that they won! Yeah, right.
So in case y’all dun bin hidin under a rock, whut sum of the Republican Congresscritters, both in the House of Representatives an the Senate’re doin is they’s gonna protest the State Elector’s votes, sayin that they dun be the result of fraud. What a crock!
Note: Y’all can git this on a t-shirt. Just click on this har link: De-Evolution of the Republicans
These Senators (13 as of today) an Representatives (bout 140) are sayin that because they’s got sum “allegations” (folk sayin sumthin witout proof) of election fraud, that ALL of the votes cast in those 4 states have to be thrown out an to start all over… ah guess wit the US Army standin thar to make shure none of them illegal voters git to vote. Problem is, this has already bin done on Election Day! Well, not the US Army bein thar.
Y’see, in Georgia, fur example, they’s already had three recounts. The second recount was an “audit” (whar they dun check everthin, includin the signatures to make sure the votes’re all legal-like). An STILL the Trump campaign is cryin bout how it had to be “fraudulent”.
Ah guess that Pres Trump dun be constipated. He dun be so fascinated bout these “massive dumps” that he says “prove” fraud, when they were nuttin more’n folk bringin in votes to be counted as they arrived in the mail or were brought in frum storage (in person votes don’t “arrive” in a bunch, cuz they’s counted as they come in). The reason so many votes were stored was cuz the Republican-run state governments passed laws sayin that none of the votes cud be counted befur Election Day!
Back to the “theater” part of this whole drama. Them’s Republicans who’re gonna protest know that they ain’t no chance that they’s gonna git a majority of both Houses of Congress to agree wit them. Most of the folks leadin this whole clown show’re plannin to run fur President themselfs in 2024. So they gits the chance to pretend to fight fur Pres Trump, but not have to wurry bout actually havin it happen.
These Republicans’re really earnin the title of “Congresscritter”! They’s weaselly like, well, a politician kissin a baby. They’s gonna kiss that baby, not cuz they likes babies, but cuz it looks like they like babies. Same wit this whole joke of a “protest”.
The real “election crime” here is that they’s promotin conspiracy theories that ain’t got no facts behind them. They’s had 2 months to show they’s “facts” in the courts an they ain’t won even one case… cuz they ain’t got no proof! Doin this is hurtin Merican’s faith in the Election process, not cuz they’s real fraud, but cuz they wants more power.
That jus ain’t right! We dun need more folk in office who care more bout the Merican people than how much power an money they’s can git outta bein in office.
Hang tight cuz this ain’t goin anywhar an on Jan 20, 2021 at noon EST, Merican will finally have it’s last wurd on this “massive dump” an Pres Trump will be “dumped” outta office!
Ranty McRantyson signin off!
The fact is that the only “massive dump” that happened in the 2020 Presidential Election was the majority of the Merican folk voted to DUMP TRUMP!
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