Update: Ranty Nation Foldin at Home Team: 267751
It’s bin awhile since ah last did an update bout the Ranty Nation Foldin at Home team. We’all’ve come a long way since the last update, jus befur Lection Day, 2020.
It’s bin awhile since ah last did an update bout the Ranty Nation Foldin at Home team. We’all’ve come a long way since the last update, jus befur Lection Day, 2020.
In Part A of this Back to Basics talk, we dun talked bout sum thangs a union wuz bad fur an whut they wuz gud fur. Thang is fur y’all to git a full picture, y’all need a bit more infurmation. An then ah’ll talk bout how unions can help wurkers today an why they’s, overall, a gud thang fur Merica… even the businesses!
Well it’s bin since jus befur Thanksgivin since ah dun had a “Back to Basics” (B2B) talk wit y’all. So ah thunk ah’d kick off the Back to Basics series in 2021 by talkin bout how we’all can start balancin the power tween “We, the People” (regular folk), an the rich an corporations.
Along the same lines, ah thunked ah’d talk bout how we are left wit all these “Trumpvilles”. Now, ah can already hear y’all thunkin, “Whut you be talkin bout Ranty? Whut’s a ‘Trumpville’? Is this sum new real estate thang that Pres Trump thunked up to make money off of?”
Well, ah gotta tell y’all that this har talk shure has taken a lot longer than ah furst thunk it wud! Ah’ve bin busier’n a one legged tap dancer wit mah time off an researchin all this stuff to make shure it holds up!
Well, in Part 1, we’all dun talked bout how Pres Biden can take two roads wit the current COVID-19/economical crisis. He can either take after Pres FDR or Pres Hoover. Also, in Part 1 we’all took a look at whut happened with Pres Hoover an Pres FDR an The Great Depression.