Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin.
Well, ah only seem to show fur the holidays toward the end of this year. Unfurtunately, mah compooter’s still broken. But ah have high hopes fur Santa decidin ah dun bin a gud boy this yar an git me a graphics card.
If’n Santa can’t find one, ah might have to swipe one frum mah brother Rufus. Now Rufus is a compooter programmer type an probly won’t take kindly to mah swipin one of his graphics cards, but he dun got more’n one anyhoo. So ah won’t tell him if’n y’all don’t.
Course, that desperate attempt will only happen sumtime after Christmas cuz ah don’t want to git Santa to put me on the bad list. A lump of coal jus ain’t no gud fur a graphics card.
Ah hope y’all and yur families have a Merry Christmas!
Ranty McRantyson signin off!
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