Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!
Well, like most of y’all, ah’ve bin followin along wit whut’s goin on with Pres Trump over the last few weeks. Just to be Frank (whoever that guy is, an why do folk want to be him?), ah gotta admit that ah can’t figure out the why of whut’s goin on.
Now, befur y’all git all up in arms wunderin if’n ah’ve dun changed mah stripes or somethin (FWIW, ah wear plaid or no stripes at all), jus hear me out. Frum whut ah can see, Pres Trump dun must’ve gotten hit on the head wit too many golf balls or somethin. Why in the wurld wud he go an take guvmint records home wit him?
Pres Trump an “His Documents”
Let’s furget fur a moment whether they dun be a “memento” or “Presidential Records” or “Classified documents” or whutever. After all the grief he dun heaped on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bout her “email server in her basement” an the THREE classified emails that were found on it (sent to her, not frum her), y’all’d thunk that he’d be smart enuf to not even want to be close to, much less actually have, any in his home, much, much less lie about not havin any after a “diligent” search of Mar-A-Lago. Sheesh!
Ah can already hear his defenders sayin “political witch hunt this”, “overreach that”, “blah, blah, blah”! But the facts is that AFTER he an his lawyers said they’d returned all them documents, after multiple requests, they’s were bout 100 documents that he had no business havin… includin sum of the most Top Secretest stuff our guvmint dun have.
Anyone who dun say that “he had a right to them” an “had them safely stored away” really were listenin more to talking points than using the grey stuff in they’s head an/or weren’t around during the Nixon Administration. Heck, BECAUSE OF Pres Nixon an the shenanigans he got up to, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act that FURBIDS a current or former President frum removin, much less destroyin (course that’s only allegations by people who dun say they saw him destroyin the documents), the documents an NOT turnin them over to the National Archives. An in case y’all were wunderin, that means ALL of them.
In fact, if a President wants to take anything wit him, he has to get special permission frum the National Archives!
Classified Documents
An then, in addition to “Presidential Records”, theys wuz a BUNCH of Classified documents! Well over 300, wit a total number of pages runnin up to over a thousand! Now, call me silly, but one or two might be an accident, maybe even five or ten, but hundreds? IMO, THAT ain’t no accident!
Pres Trump wud regularly encourage chants of “Lock her up!” over the Hillary Clinton three classified emails (documents) on the email server “in her basement” and, I assume, over some perceived criminality with regard to Benghazi (9 investigations an $100 million spent by Republicans an NO CHARGEABLE WRONGDOING FOUND), but Pres Trump figured HE cud jus take sum Classified documents home with him like a kid with “homework”?!?
Seriously, do people really BELIEVE that? Hundreds of pages were an “accident”?!?
A King or a Citizen?
The reality is that the President ain’t no King. One of the reasons why he (an, hopefully, sumtime in the future, she) dun be called, correctly, “Mr. (Ms.) President” is to show that he/she is a citizen, first, an someone holdin the Office of the President, on behalf of the Merican people, second.
An since the President ain’t a King, he can’t just do sumthin by declaration. They’s procedures he dun have to follow! An since Pres Trump ain’t President anymore, he don’t got no power to do any more/different stuff than any other regular folk.
An, like most ever thin else durin Pres Trump’s Presidency, he just didn’t do whut he wuz sposed to do. He felt/feels the rules don’t apply to him. An his followers seem to thunk the same things!
So much of the “Law an Order” President/GOP Party!
Anyhoo, ah’ll probly chime in on this whole series of events as theys move on over the next few months. Keep a watchin!
Ranty McRantyson signin off!
PS. Har’s a timeline of whut’s goin on with this latest Pres Trump “situation”:
or, if you prefur a conservative leaning timeline:
PPS. Har’s sumthin fur y’all to read frum the Ranty Nation archives!
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