Back to Basics

Wurkers vs Boardrooms (with Unions)

B2B, Pt 6: Let’s Talk Bout Unions! (Part B)

In Part A of this Back to Basics talk, we dun talked bout sum thangs a union wuz bad fur an whut they wuz gud fur.  Thang is fur y’all to git a full picture, y’all need a bit more infurmation.  An then ah’ll talk bout how unions can help wurkers today an why they’s, overall, a gud thang fur Merica… even the businesses!

Unions vs Boardrooms

B2B, Pt 6: Let’s Talk Bout Unions! (Part A)

Well it’s bin since jus befur Thanksgivin since ah dun had a “Back to Basics” (B2B) talk wit y’all.  So ah thunk ah’d kick off the Back to Basics series in 2021 by talkin bout how we’all can start balancin the power tween “We, the People” (regular folk), an the rich an corporations.


B2B, Pt 5: Whut’s Negotiatin? (Part B)

In addition to power, they’s also be some “strategies” in hagglin.  Since this’n be gittin a bit long, ah’ll just talk real quick-like bout four of them: Bracketing, Anchoring, Silence, an Biddin Against Yurself.


B2B, Pt 5: Whut’s Negotiatin? (Part A)

Now y’all may be wunderin whut is negotiatin?  Like when y’all go to a flea market an such an find a lamp y’all like an the seller be askin a ridiculous price fur it, like $20.  Y’all start the negotiatin over price by sayin y’all’d like it, but at $10.  They’all come back an say $17.50.  Y’all say $12.50 an they say $15 an y’all say, “Sold!”.  That thar be a fur instance of negotiatin!  Well, to put it simple like, it really be nuthin more than hagglin. But thar’s a lot more to it than jus that!

How much is a billion dollars?

B2B, Pt 4 – How Much is a Billion Dollars?

Well, we’all dun bin talkin bout money.  An we’all also bin talkin bout how much more money rich folk have than we regular folk.  But ah don’t rightly know that we really unnerstand whut it means to have a “billion dollars”.

B2B, Pt 2: Jus Whut is Money?

In mah last B2B article (Back to Basics) we dun talked bout whut a barter system is an why it just ain’t that gud. An we’all left off gittin ready to talk bout whut replaced the barter system in most countries. Money!

Thunkin bout lying, lies, an liars

B2B, Pt 1: Whut’s a “Barter System”?

Ah thunk ah shud git started splainin our economic system, but frum the very beginnin. Folk frum ancient times bought an sold thangs in a differnt way than we’all do today. They used a “barter system” to buy an sell thangs!