COVID-19 “Herd Mentality”, uh, ah mean “Herd Immunity”?!? That thar’s NUTS!

COVID-19 Science

Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Ah was watchin YouTube agin an saw somethin that made me slap mah furhead! Both President Trump AN Senator Rand Paul were talkin bout “Herd Mentality” (Pres Trump don’t know no better), by which Pres Trump dun mean “Herd Immunity” (DOCTOR Rand Paul ought to know better, but he dun only be an ophthalmologist (a doctor specializin wit the eyeballs)).

Anyhoo, an IMO, the whole idea of “herd immunity” is insane! Specially without a PROPERLY TESTED an PROVEN vaccine! Both Sen Paul an Pres Trump have talked about this dumb idea within the last month.

Just in case y’all don’t understand whut they dun mean by “herd immunity”, they’re talkin bout just lettin folk get COVID-19 until a whole bunch of folk git sick wit it and (hopefully) “live to tell the tale”.

So, let’s look at the idea of “herd mentality”, uh, ah mean “herd immunity” (durn it all, Pres Trump dun got me sayin it too!) here in Merica. To reach “herd immunity”, we’all need, dependin on who ya ask, 60-80% of the population to dun git COVID-19 (an survive). So, let’s do the mathimacation: (usin the low end guesstimate of 60%)

330,000,000 (US population) * .6 = ~198,000,000 (so let’s round up to 200,000,000 fur ease of calculashun).

Raght now, the positivity rate is bout 5% (in other wurds, 5% of folk tested have dun got COVID-19). Of those who’all have tested positive, bout 2.8% die (a 2.8% mortality rate, that’s fancy talk fur how many folk dun die). Also, bout 5.8% of those who dun test positive end up in the hospital, an bout 48% of those who are hospitalized will die. At least that’s whut the mathimacation says (2.8%/5.8% = ~48%)!

The average cost in the hospital fur COVID-19 is at least $30,000 per patient, wit many gettin stuck wit bills well over $100,000 (some bills are said to be over $1,000,000!). Wit a fairly gud insurance plan, y’all can xpect to pay AT LEAST $4,000 of that $30,000 because of annual deductibles. If’n y’all lost y’alls insurance plan, y’all’ll be on the hook fur the entire amount!

So, let’s look at the best chance of them thar hospitalization an mortality rates:

200,000,000 * .058 (5.8%) = 11,600,000 people will be HOSPITALIZED! 11,600,000 * $30,000 = $348,000,000,000 ($348 BILLION) dollars, minimum!

200,000,000 * .028 (2.8%) = 5,600,000 more MERICANS will DIE!

Those are BEST CHANCE numbers wit a “herd immunity” approach. Medical bills’re already the number one cause of bankruptcy in these har United States an wit MILLIONS of folk outta wurk because of Pres Trump’s bunglin of the COVID-19 pandemic, even more folk’re gonna be forced into bankruptcy, where’n all of them banks an the rich folk who’n own them will git those poor folk’s stuff for near nuttin!

Why’n ah say that’s BEST CHANCE? It’s because the above mathimacation ASSUMES that EVERYONE who’all dun be hospitalized can git the best care, that all patients’ll be able to git an ICU bed WIT a VENTILATOR an medicines if’n they dun be needed.

This is somethin we’all KNOW FUR A FACT will not be the case. Mainly cause we’all know we ain’t gonna get as gud a healthcare as Pres Trump did at Walter Reed Military Hospital! An since these sickness numbers’ll be FAR HIGHER, per capita (a fancy wurd for “per person”), than the WURST of the COVID-19 numbers in New York that thar jus ain’t gonna be a BEST CHANCE happenin to us!

If’n we’all use the hospitalization rates at the peak of this har year 2020 (again a LOW ESTIMATE of “herd immunity” numbers), we’all’re lookin at a 13% hospitalization rate an a 5.7% mortality rate. This means:

200,000,000 * .13 (13%) = 26,000,000 people HOSPITALIZED!
26,000,000 * $30,000 = $780,000,000,000 ($780 BILLION) dollars, minimum!
Money we’all Mericans will have to pay outta our own pockets.

200,000,000 * .057 (5.7%) = 11,400,000 AMERICANS DEAD!

Since Pres Trump admitted he dun knew COVID-19 was “5 times deadlier than the flu” in a Feb 7, 2020 interview wit Bob Woodward, while sayin to the American public that COVID-19 would “go away with the heat”. This means that he dun be DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE fur AT LEAST 100,000 American deaths! An if’n he don’t start changin his ways, Pres Trump’ll dun be responsible for even more deaths ever single day!

Pres Trump dune be directly responsible fur more Merican deaths than any other Merican in HISTORY!

Ah dun believe that fur any SANE voter, this would automatically keep Pres Trump from even havin a chance at another term as President of the United States!

An to quote Forrest Gump, “That’s all ah have to say bout that!”

Ranty McRantyson

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