Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!
President Trump coined a phrase, “Make America Great Again!” or MAGA. Wall, ah done thunk that Merica has always bin GREAT! In mah opinion (remember opinions are like rear-ends, some smell more than others… an ah thunk Pres Trump’s opinions stink!), Pres Trump, his followers, an the GOP, in general, have furgotten whut REALLY makes Merica great!
Anyhoo, har is whut ah thunk makes Merica great:
E Pluribus Unum (From many, one.)
United we stand, divided we fall.
You watch my back, I’ll watch yours.
Whut do all these har sayins have in common? They’re the backbone of whut made these har United States great. The idea that we’re a country that’s strongest when we’all’re lookin out fur each other, not tryin to divide us apart.
The Republican Party has dun furgotten this. It’s constantly lookin for ways to split us up into a buncha separate groups. It’s hurtin our country by weakenin our greatest strength as a country:
Our willingness to stand up fur an hep our fellow Mericans!
Or maybe their deevisive talk ain’t a bug, but a feature of the GOP’s attacks on our fellow Mericans. A main part of their attacks on social security, healthcare, workers, non-workers, the poor, the homeless, the environment, an the economy. The way they’re always kickin down at those of us below rather than pickin us up.
By dividin us up, they’re doing multi-generational damage to the reputation of these har great United States as a beacon on the hill of democracy an freedom. President Trump wanted to “Make America Great Again”. We’all can’t make our country “Great” by dividing “We, the People” up!
Now we might disagree on whut policies might be best for our country’s long-term health, but we definutely shudn’t knee-jerk attack or condemn others based on a label. Let’s “Get America to Talk Again”. Let’s get to know our neighbors as the regular folk they are, not a buncha folk of another “tribe” that we’all’re at war with. Rebuild our nation’s togetherness, our national unity, VOTE OUT ALL OF Y’ALL’S LOCAL REPUBLICANS who try to divide our country rather than strengthen it!
Anyhoo, when it comes to Pres Trump, all ah can say, to paraphrase Forrest Gump, “Dumb is as Dumb do!” (Copyright © 2020 – Ranty McRantyson)
Ranty McRantyson
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