An Now Fur Somethin PERSONAL!

Ranty McRantyson Bout the Insurrection

Hey Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Ah saw this YouTube video an it rally struck a chord wit mah past! Below the video ah’ll talk a bit bout why ah thunk this’d be somethin y’all’d be interested in.

Listen to that woman testify (if’n y’all be livin in the South, y’all’ll know whut ah mean)! That is powerful!

Ah’ve lived that life an can say it’s definutely not fun. An ah haven’t furgotten whut it’s like.

Ah was FURTUNATE ENOUGH that ah didn’t need (much) medicine. The only real need ah’d had was an almost annual “bronchitis” that was so regular that ah’d be able to diagnose it fur myself an use a bulk bottle of erythromycin (ah don’t suffer from the throw-upity-ness it causes many folk) ah purchased mail-ordered from Europe to treat it. Unfurtunately, fur folks today, ah don’t thunk y’all can order stuff like that (an others like it) since Congress made sure it’s no longer available fur us to git to protect they’all’s pharmaceutical company donors.

Being poor in Merica sucks. Y’all’re looked down on and, if y’all don’t pretend to be better off than y’all are (like dress in nice (Goodwill) clothes), y’all have almost no chance to get ahead because y’all be stigmatized an the hirin folk’ll place y’all in a “low wage” box an it’s almost impossible to git outta. And that’s if’n y’all are white. If y’all’re of color it dun be even worse.

We desperately need to git more people in office who truly represent “We, the People”! Not just how we’all look, but also how we’all live. We’all need wurkin folk. Not folk who only seek power fur themselfs.

Heck, that is the real differnce maker between the wurkers an the rich! Fur WURKERS, WURK is MONEY (we’all don’t get money unless we’all wurk fur it)! For THE RICH, money represents power. An the rich see money as such. The rich have 90+% disposable income (the amount of money left over after y’all pay the bills, pay the rent, pay the utilities, an buy food an such). Wurkers’re lucky to have 5% disposable income (most have none or less than zero disposable income (they’all git further into debt each month))!

Ah’m furtunate enough that ah’ve been able to rise above my past circumstances. In part, because of hard work, but also in equal part, due to luck, an, frankly, white privilege. Not all folk’re as lucky as ah’ve bin an ah fully support gettin everone a helpin hand!

Thank God those folk livin durin the depression had something like the New Deal. That they had politicians who weren’t crazy power hungry an them politician folk helped “We, the People” in need.

Well, we’all’ve an lection comin up an the choice is real black an white like. We’all can head further toward racism, fascism, authoritarianism, uther bad “isms”, an eventual dictatorship or toward a kinder more socially friendly, tho, IMO, still a too business friendly “President Biden”. BUT with a Pres Biden, we’all’ll still have a representative democracy in which “We, the People” have a voice! We’all probly won’t have much of a voice wit another 4 years of a President Trump!

An yes, that choice is Trump or Biden, in turn. Ah’m choosing Biden. Ah’d rather have Bernie, but Biden’s worlds better than Trump!

Get out and vote!

Ranty McRantyson signin off!

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