“It’ll go away with the heat!”

COVID-19 Science

Hey Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Ah was just lookin at some older Trump videos and ah ran across this un an thunk ah’d do a RANT on it. Here’s the video:

So, jus how STUPID is the idea/statement that COVID-19 will “just go away with the heat”?

The average winter temperature in the US (excluding Alaska an Hawaii, two outliers) is ~33 degrees F. Since COVID-19 spread “very well” durin the coldest months (January-March, in the Northern haf of the world), it started spreadin even faster as the weather dun “heated up” (relatively speakin). Jus the opposite of the heat makin it go away!


The average summer temperature in the US is ~72 degrees F. With the highest average temps of ~81 degrees F in Louisiana an Texas. This means that the Coronavirus is STILL survivin wit these “hot” temps.


Now y’all might be wonder, “what’s the point, Captn Obvious?” Well, COVID-19 (the Coronavirus), spreads REALLY FAST IN HUMANS. Humans have an average body temperature of 98.6 degrees F!!!

Our bodies fight diseases by doin a couple differnt thangs. One is our immune system, the main our bodies dun fight when it comes to COVID-19. The other is temperature (fever). At best, our bodies can git a fever of up to ~104 degrees F, wit temps higher than that bein considered too high fur our own good.

Unfurtunately, since scientists believe that COVID-19 (technically, SARS-CoV-2 is the scientific name for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease-2019)), originated in bats, human fevers won’t do nuttin to it since NORMAL body temperatures for bats dun range from ~45 to 104+ degrees F (frum hibernation to high activity). This means it’s highly likely that COVID-19 can withstand temperatures up to or above 108 degrees!


Because of all this, COVID-19 will DECIDEDLY NOT go away “with the heat” (unless y’all live on the sun, Mercury, or Venus or somethin). An I doubt it’ll “go away with the cold”, either (jus in case Pres Trump says somethin as STOOPID as that).

As Forrest Gump would say, “What’s normal, anyways?”

Ranty McRantyson signin off!

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