It’s nuff to make a grown man cry, whut wit all them folk dyin ever day har in the gud ol USoA! We dun be losin a 9/11 wurth of folk ever day frum COVID-19. While ah have mah beliefs on who ah thunk dun carry the most blame fur this sad state of affairs, ah’m gonna leave that out of this har post.
COVID-19 don’t care if’n y’all are a conservative or a liberal, or a Republican or a Democrat. It’s gonna do what diseases do… infect y’all.
Fur yur 20% off, use this discount code: COVID20
Cuz of this, ah’m puttin mah “How to Wear a Mask” t-shirt on sale! For the rest of this har COVID-19 pandemic, ah’m gonna give y’all 20% off on any order y’all make fur this t-shirt.
If’n y’all want the design on the frunt, click this har link: FRONT: Don’t be an Ass, Wear Your Mask!
An if’n y’all want the design on the back, click this har link: BACK: Don’t be an Ass, Wear Your Mask!
If’n y’all thunk y’all might want sum of mah other designs, jus go to mah store at: Ranty Nation Merch Store
Anyhoo, this discount is only gud on this design. So git em soon so as y’all can show others how to wear their masks!
Ranty McRantyson signin off!
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