Memorial: COVID-19 an 400,000+ Mericans Dun Paid the Price

Hi Ranty Nation!  Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Well, ah’m ever so sad to say that we’all’ve hit a dark milestone of over 400,000 Mericans’ve dun died cuz of COVID-19.  Har’s a link to the memorial Pres-Elect Biden an Vice Pres-Elect Harris did frum in frunt of the Lincoln Memorial, lookin out toward the Washington Monument.  Wit they’s memorial to them victims, they’s families, an all other Mericans who dun bin affected by COVID-19, they’s already spoken, an spoken more seriously an frum the heart, than Pres Trump an his administration ever did.

Now that, folks, is whut a President an Vice-President’re sposed to do!

This dun hurts mah heart cuz this didn’t have to happen!  If’n the federal guvmint hadda taken the threat of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) seriously estimates’re that 50-75% of these COVID-19 deaths wudn’t’ve happened!

Heck, if’n 80-90% of Mericans wud wear masks, then that’d cut the spread of COVID-19 by 80+%!

Ah’m gonna repeat mah “4Ws” fur to keep yurselfs safe(r) frum COVID-19:

Follow the 4Ws

1. Wear a Mask (90% people wear mask = 80+% less COVID-19 spread!)

2. Watch Your Distance (6+ feet with masks, 12+ feet wit 1+ person witout masks)

3. Wash Your Hands (with warm, soapy water for 20+ seconds)

4. Wipe Your Surfaces with Disinfectant (But don’t drink or inject it!)

Fur those of y’all who do pray, ah hope y’all’ll bow yur head wit me an pray fur thems (an they’s families) who’ve already died an throw in another prayer fur thems that will over the next few months.  Fur those of y’all who don’t pray, ah hope y’all’ll jus give a moment of silence an reflection on this national tragedy.

However, ah’m gonna plead wit y’all to please, Please, PLEASE wear a freakin mask!  As ah dun read sumwhere else, it ain’t a political statement, it’s an IQ test!  Y’all wear underwear (well most folk do), pants/dresses, shirts, shoes, an even hats an gloves if’n it be cold outside.  Well, then wearin a mask shudn’t be no big deal, BUT it’ll save lives!

Anyhoo, to quote Forrest Gump, “An that’s all ah have to say bout that!”  At least fur now…

Ranty McRantyson

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