Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin!
Yeah, ah’m purty busy trying to get a buncha talks dun. But ah ran cross this great(!) documentary bout the Jan 6th, 2021 Insurrection at the Capital Building in Washington, DC.
Now, ah haveta warn y’all that it can be purty graphic at times. An they’s showin “never before seen” footage frum the Insurrectionists theyselfs.
It’s sumthin that really bothers me. But them Republican politicritters an they’s fans keep pushin these talkin points bout how, “It weren’t no insurrection! It wuz just a few peaceful Trump supporters/violent Antifa-BLM protestors/FBI agents/(whutever other BS they’s spreadin).”
Ah thunk that after y’all watch this, y’all’ll see that this weren’t no “peaceful group like the daily Capital Building tour groups”. (At least ah hope them tour groups ain’t like that!)
Anyhoo, har’s the link to the video:
Ah haveta admit that ah’d furgot jus how violent it had dun got at that Insurrection. In fact, thangs were wurse than ah thunked they were. It wuz truly a scary happenin.
Another Thought…
One thang ah’d like to point out. An maybe ah’ll do a talk bout this. But when ah wuz a youngun, ah can remember sittin mah high school history class wunderin whut them German folk wuz thunkin when they signed up to follow Adolf Hitler. Ah jus cudn’t wrap my head round it.
After thunkin bout it over these years, ah’ve realized it wuz a combination of distorted patriotism an “feel gud” propaganda that convinced them Germans theys wuz doin a gud thang. That theys wuz defendin themselfs… by attackin others. That an that Hitler wuz one heck of a speaker an knew how to manipulate a crowd.
Now, ah ain’t saying that thems MAGAs are Nazis or that (former) Pres Trump is Hitler! But whut ah am sayin is that these folk appear to have swallowed the same Kool-Aid. An we need to figure out a way to git them back on the side of reality… Not the side of their fantasy/conspiracy theories that make them feel gud.
Anyhoo, if’n y’all wud like, jus leave sum comments bout the video below.
Ranty McRantyson signin off… fur now!
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