Hey, Y’all, Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day - 4th of July, 2021

Hi Ranty Nation!  Ranty McRantyson har agin!

Well, it’s Independence Day, 2021 an the gud ol USofA is now 245 year old!  Whohoo!

Tryin Times

Unfurtunately, this har experiment in representative democracy is in the middle of what may be its wurst crisis in our country’s history.  Ah wish ah cud jus say everthang’s gonna be alright… but, to be blunt, ah can’t.  We’all dun got a problem an we need to fess up to it so as we can deal wit it.

Now ah’m not gonna jus be a downer har on this momentus day.  We’all’ve made far longer than jus bout any other country in history!

Ah’d jus like fur y’all to reflect on the on the sacrifices of them folk who’ve worked hard an fought to make our country great.  An as we gather wit our families an friends, cook, share fellowship, light fireworks (in those areas that ain’t fire hazards), an jus generally celebrate, ah hope y’all’ll spare a moment to prepare yurself to fight to keep this great nation together an keep it frum splittin apart.

One Year of Ranty Nation!

Oh, ah almost furgot!  This marks the one year anniversary of the Ranty Nation website har on the InterToobes!  The furst post was actually on July 11, 2020, but ah made the decision to start wurkin on the site on July 4th.  An ah’ll also post agin bout this in a week so as to celebrate the Ranty Nation’s furst post too!

Anyhoo, ah gonna git back to cookin so as my family’s git together will have sum food this evenin.  An ah hope y’all git stuffed full of food too!  Ah know ah am! 😉

Have a great 4th of July!  Happy Independence Day!

Ranty McRantyson signin off!

PS.  Har’s a link to the hot dog eatin world champion who dun set a new record on this July 4th, 2021!


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