Ranty Nation Folding at Home Team Update…
Right now, the Ranty Nation Folding at Home team is about team 1,650 outta over 250,000 teams. An we have almost 400,000,000 “foldin points” (an, no, they ain’t redeemable as money or prizes or anythin).
Right now, the Ranty Nation Folding at Home team is about team 1,650 outta over 250,000 teams. An we have almost 400,000,000 “foldin points” (an, no, they ain’t redeemable as money or prizes or anythin).
Sorry fur not postin fur a bit. We’all had a death in the family. It’s bin makin me thunk a bit more bout honorin our vets an the elderly.
After consultin wit the team har at the Ranty Nation website, we’all’ve decided to have an annual “Swamp-O-Lympics” to celebrate the return of the Olympic games!
Hi Ranty Nation! Ranty McRantyson har agin! A lotta folk these days, specially those who ain’t grown up wit a buncha technology when they wuz younguns, are busier’n ever. It seems like almos ever day…
Ah’ve bin roamin the InterToobes fur the last few weeks an ah ran cross this downright frightenin story bout the COVID-19 vaccine! After all the warnins we’all’ve had over the years frum folks like George Orwell (1984) an “V for Vendetta” an such-like sumthin like this goes an happens!
Well, har we are already wit a “bonus round” of how “Liars Lie witout Lying”. Ah thunk y’all’ll understand that we’all’ve seen this fur quite sum time, but it’s bin kicked into “overdrive” over the last few years in the Conservative “newsosphere”. Ugh! They’s jus too many ways fur folks to “lie witout lyin”!
In Part D, ah talked bout how folk’ll use “cognitive dissonance” to lie to y’all. While the Part D way of lyin’s powerful an tricky, it can be purty hard to pull off, but the “rewards” (folk believin any old lie) can be wurth it to the liars. This next way takes a lotta “heavy liftin”, but it’s purty simple to do. It jus takes time.
Another way fur lying to folk is to use whut’s called “cognitive dissonance”. It gits folk confused so they believe sumthin that ain’t true. So let’s dig in an see how liars lie usin cognitive dissonance.
Now they’s at least two main ways folk use the “truth” fur lying to other folk (and sumtimes theyselfs). Ah’m shure they’s more, but ah’ve only figured out two of them. An tho they seems a lotta like, an can be hard to tell apart, they’s definitely two differnt ways of lyin wit the truth.
Instead of talkin bout how much space it takes up or how long regular folk’d have to wurk to actually make a billion dollars, ah’m gonna take a differnt approach… Can sumone, fur real, SPEND a billion dollars?!?