A Late “Happy New Year!”
Well, we’all har in the McRantyson household had a rather lonely, but celebratory New Years. An we’all hope y’all’s New Year’s celebration was safe!
Well, we’all har in the McRantyson household had a rather lonely, but celebratory New Years. An we’all hope y’all’s New Year’s celebration was safe!
This har rant’s gonna be bout how STOOPID it is fur them Republican Congresscritters to say “it ain’t right to add more to the national debt an mortgage our kids futures” when the money is goin to “We, the People”, but they’s jus fine givin all the money they can shovel to they’s donors, themselfs, and large corporations in tax breaks!
Ah know it still be part of the Holiday Season an all an fur many it’s a durned hard time specially in 2020. The holidays, fur all that theys sposed to be bout bein thankful fur whut we got an happyness wit our families an the birthday of Jesus an lookin furward to the New Year, fur many, they’s really strugglin, specially this year.
Ah know it’s dun bin awhile since mah last post, but, hey, it’s round Xmas time an ah an the family of McRantyson’s dun be gittin ready fur Christmas! Ah expect that we’all’ll be purty busy tween now an round New Years an then ah’ll git back to postin.
Ah’m puttin mah “How to Wear a Mask” t-shirt on sale! For the rest of this har COVID-19 pandemic, ah’m gonna give y’all 20% off on any order y’all make fur this t-shirt.
We dun already established whut’s goin on wit the seasonal flu (ah’ll jus call it the flu like ah dun in the other talks) an COVID-19 by themselfs, in Part A and Part B. But whut we’all ain’t talked bout is whut’ll happen if’n y’all git both at the same time.
In mah previous talk, Part A: The Flu, ah showed how the flu git folk sick an the differnce tween folks who dun got the flu vaccine and them folk who didn’t. In this Part B: COVID-19, ah’m gonna talk bout whut makes COVID-19 differnt frum, an kind of like, the flu.
Ah bin readin an watchin on the InterTubes an such fur the last couple weeks an they’s a buncha folk that dun be sayin a lot of stuff bout COVID-19 that jus ain’t based on whut them scientists an medical experts dun be sayin. Heck, a lot of whut them folk be sayin jus don’t make no sense, neither.
Well, it’s bin a couple weeks since the election an ah thunk it dun be time to take a look at the blizzard of lawsuits that Pres Trump has bin filin to change the election results (Electoral votes by candidate: Biden – 306, Trump – 232). Probly the best way is to look at each lawsuit an whut the results of those lawsuits have bin.
In mah last talk bout, “Why ‘Biometrics’ Ain’t Such a Gud Idea… Part 1”, ah talked bout the trouble biometrics caused when they dun be used as a stand-alone security measure. But ah never talked whut is proven to wurk! Well, har we are. Whadda ya say we talk bout fixin the problem?